Originally Posted by bama_earl
I passed on carrying a gun... statistics show you are more likely to shoot yourself than actually use it for self-defense. I actually don't know anyone who has fired a gun in self-defense. Funny thing is, I don't hate on my friends who choose to carry and they respect my decision for not carrying.

I would like to see what percentage of the people who accidentally shot themselves trained/practiced with their gun on any semi-regular basis. I'm sure there's no way to know that subset of data from whatever "study" you're referring to, but I'd bet it's significant. Buying a gun and sticking it in your console or even strapping it to your hip periodically ain't enough. You need to be practicing with it.....even if you can't get to the range often, at least practice drawing and reloading and the bare minimum.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft