Originally Posted by Mjh97
i dont have a permit, dont see the use in it, its my gun i bought it and my ancestors fought for me to have that right, i dont even know what the law would do if they caught me with it dont care, i dont have a permit for the pocket knife i carry either
As long as you are not carrying concealed or carrying a loaded pistol in your car, you should be fine. But if you do carry in those situations with no permit, you could be in a lot of trouble. Of course, carry a loaded pistol in your car and drive through Illinois or Massachusetts or some other states and get stopped, you in a heap o' trouble!

"For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America" ~Benjamin Franklin

Isaiah 40:13-14


NRA Life Member, GOA, BamaCarry Member