Originally Posted by GomerPyle

Urging all citizens to have a permit and keep a gun on them...........but we're going to make you pay us to allow you to exercise your constitutional right...it's highway robbery.

I concur. Fees for carry permits suck, but at least these sheriffs are progun and not like some of the idots in YanqueLand. I am libertarian about guns. Very few rules at all. No restrictions or fees on anything except convicted felons for violent crimes can't own. If you use a gun, loaded, unloaded, toy, doesn't matter, in the commission of a crime, 20 years, no parole. Prosecute felons and accomplices making straw purchases. Otherwise, shall not be infringed. Period.On anything.

"For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America" ~Benjamin Franklin

Isaiah 40:13-14


NRA Life Member, GOA, BamaCarry Member