Originally Posted by JDR4Bama
And just like that the racist of Aldeer announce themselves. Fellas I thought ya'll were better than that. There is a gap to be bridged, like it or not.

I assure u I aint racist...i see it as evil vs good...if a white person looks down or judges a black person I think its evil, same for blacks that do the same to white...this ain't the 1950's I dont understand how we aint all equal today? The media only shows what they want to fit an agenda man...plenty of white people have been killed by police in the last few years that shouldn't have...ive had friends get the hell beat out of em by police they white too...maybe this video is different than the group but it didn't sound like it?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin