Originally Posted by centralala
I KNOW NOTHING!! There are a few things I strongly suspect though. 1). We are not going to know. We don't need to know. Just go with the flow. 2). If I were just too curious, I would ask myself what member was here a month ago, not even on the user list now, and would love to ruin it for everyone. 3). The fact the site is still up and running tells me the powers that be didn't roll over and pull the plug. He (they) fought. He stood his ground. Maybe took some punches but is still standing. 4). Most members problem with not knowing is they want to help. But the stand down has been told and should be honored.

But I could be totally wrong.

Hmmmm. Makes one think.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe