Let the GBI investigate and come to a conclusion. This by no means is a slam dunk yes for deadly force. Few reasons , Tasers would not be in widespread use by police agencies if they were that deadly. Suspect was shot in the back. It muddies it some. Standard use of force , says you can use that force which is necessary and reasonable to overcome resistance. The mayor and DA were silly and wrong when they described tasers as deadly when the officers used them on those students. Tasers are deadly for the general public to have and use is the most likely reason that Georgia law reflects that . Where they would be deadly in a situation, is if the officer was tased, the suspect could get his weapon, and if allowed to go with an armed taser , then the suspect could pose a deadly threat to the public if he used it on them to carjack or if he tased one in the head. If the officer had shot the suspect as he was turning to fire the taser or in a direct reaction to that attempt by the perp, which the video I watched the shots came after more foot pursuit. He may have pointed it at them again after running off camera, If the officers believed the taser was still armed whether it actually was or not, I believe they are good. If GBI does their job correctly, I believe the officers will be cleared because I believe under the stress of the situation they believed the tasers was still armed or the suspect had obtained one of their weapons.