Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by gtaylor
Originally Posted by SouthBamaSlayer
The DA said that the cops stood on top of his dead body and that he was shot in the back.

He was 100% shot in the back, he was running away from him.

Doesn’t effect whether or not he deserved it though

Nope it don't.....But i was told/taught to never shoot a man in the back running away.

That is what is going to get the officer. There are very limited instances that you can shoot someone fleeing. The case would be a no brainer against the officer if it weren't for the taser. That really muddles it. I'd really have to see their taser policy to maybe make up my mind.

Why do you think the taser policy is critical to it being criminal or not. ? just asking. The officer is not going in front of a discplinary board ?