I searched and read the old posts. I'm battling this stuff in a couple of places. Old threads didn't quite answer all my questions, so trying here.

First - horse nettle - sounds like grazon next hl is the way to go, but my question is - what will it do to fall planting? it say grasses are fine (wheat, etc.), but what about clover? Also, I'm a little worried about overspray near trees. Will this stuff kill trees if you get it in their drip line? An alternative, I guess would be to mix it up in a backpack sprayer and spot spray? But, I'd again have the same question. And yes, I have read the label, but it's not crystal clear either. Best time to apply it?

Sicklepod - sounds to me like if you catch it in it's small stage, glyphosate will kill it? or if you mow and spray gly, it will kill it? is that right? Or just use the grazon?
