Originally Posted by dirkdaddy
Powdery mildew. It will eventually take the plant down and there's nothing to do about it...except plant a better variety of squash next time. Multipik is bad about getting it. There's about a thousand different yella squash varieties out there, pick another with some PM resistance and plant again. I plant squash all throughout the summer, it'll make a crop in 30 days flat in the dead of summer if you can keep it watered.

I've had the same issue with a couple of my squash plants, powdery mildew that is. I mixed up a gallon of water with 1 TBSP baking soda and 1/2 TSP of dawn dish soap, put it in a spray bottle and have sprayed mine down good daily with it along with pulling off leaves that were turning yellow from it. They may still die but it seems like it's having a postive effect. I don't see hardly any of the little white mildew spots on my plants anymore. It's worth a shot if they're gonna die unattended to anyway.