Originally Posted by ford150man
I’m not going to defend it. I actually agree with you that it is in really poor taste and flat out wrong. That said, look at the harm you did, or potential harm you did to the reputation of the church. Not THAT church, but THE church. Think about folks that had not seen the sign, that were lost but looking for answers, maybe thinking about going to church, until they saw your post. This is a great example of the old saying, “Christianity is the only army that shoots their wounded”. The fact that you are getting defensive shows you know you are in the wrong. Don’t get mad at me brother. We are called to hold each other accountable. Many Aldeer brothers have done so with me. Repent, then live and learn.
That's fair, your soft answer turns away my anger. Now I'm sure they'll say I'm back-tracking grin
For what it's worth, that Facebook post was initially "soft" and (to me) shouldn't have been argumentative. But wow it immediately blew up like a bomb. As I remember there must've been 75+ replies, and most of them were a back n forth about political stuff. I mean it didn't take but a minute for someone to throw a blister keg of insults about how I must be a ghey Democrat. And I'm like WTH are you talking about????....how did you leap to that connection?? I literally was trying to condemn that church, and the whole post derailed about everything but church.

Last edited by ikillbux; 06/03/20 02:24 PM.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.