Also a seasoned member of Highlands here. The church has made an intentional effort to minister to and create a presence in the "black neighborhoods". If you think kid gloves and intentional actions aren't necessary, you're just being intentionally blockheaded (as am I too many times). Unless you're on the inside of our doors, you probably aren't aware of the major push back the black community has given us. In the couple of years we've planted a congregation there, it has been beyond fantastic, many bridges have been crossed and much growth is being seen. Of course you and I don't want the preacher to crawfish, but he's absolutely NOT doing it for money (come on y'all, that's one of the most shallow and baseless accusations, absolutely nothing about Highlands supports that assertion), and he's not being weak-spined. He's doing the necessary "falling on the sword" to maintain our ability to minister to these locations / populations.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.