Originally Posted by hoggin
Originally Posted by jawbone
Once again, it does not matter where you are or what the circumstances are, if someone makes you feel as if you or another person's safety is in jeopardy, and you fear for your life or the life of another person, the use of deadly force is justifiable. You had better be able to articulate or explain, why you felt your life or another's life was in jeopardy. In your house, in your driveway, at McDonalds, or in church. The law is the same.

Before the Castle law there was a provision that if you had the opportunity to retreat and did not then self-defense did not apply. Now you don't have to retreat but you still have to feel that you or another's life is in jeopardy.

That is it in a simple version. No need to complicate it.

YOU should not attempt to articulate anything. You’re attorney should handle that.
The answer to any question prior to speaking to your attorney is “ I thought he/she/they were gonna kill me/them. It’s the lawyers job to sell/tell the story.

U are correct sir

Not all Indians were hunters some toted firewood