I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would give an update. We keep bringing more stuff up here from the house and have basically been living up here full time since March 12th. Due to the Corona Circus. Both of us have been working form home, with a few business trips thrown in there. We are blessed to have the opportunity to be up here through all of this and to be able to keep working. We are blessed and we thank God for it every day.

As yo can imagine I have had a little extra time to work on some projects around the cabin. I have been able to convert our bedroom loft to a pretty nice office space for me and made a nice little nook above the guest bedroom for Mrs. Irish. One of the things I haven't had the place for are my books, and I've been meaning to read more around here. I was resigned to putting all the books up high and access them with a library ladder due to a lack of wall space, but one day I was sitting in my office and came up with this idea to build book shelves that "float" between the loft hangers. I searched in the basement and found some pine T&G that a friend gave me and so I got to work...

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I used some 1x12 for the ends and the shelves and the back are made up of 2 - 1x6 T&G with one edge of each ripped off flush.

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The finished products installed...

My office:

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Mrs. Irish's office nook:

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