Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by juice
If he overdosed then I’ll come on here and eat crow and one hell of a lot of it. None of that excuses what they did to the man. Those cops deserve jail time bottom damn line. You can’t treat another human being that way just because you want to

I am not arguing the way they handled it was bad bad. I am just saying it is possible he did not murder the man. I cant imagine 3 or 4 cops would stand by and watch their coworker murder someone. Which is what makes me think the way he held the man was something those officers were used to seeing and they had not seen someone die because of it. Which makes me think it is possible something else caused his death. Either way I hope justice is served and if the officer is guilty of anything he gets charged appropriately.

Like i said earlier, our resident officers have spoken, and apparently you didn't read what Marsh said about those other officers that just "stood around" Damn now i know why Scott or police officers and GWs dont wanna give advice on here lol....I'm out of here!!!!!!!

Yes sir I did read Marsh's comments. I understand everyone's frustration I just always try to consider both sides of every situation and wait until all information is revealed to make a decision. I understand lots of things were done wrong by the officers and likely the deceased as well. Terrible situation all the way around
Hopefully justice will be served no matter what that may be once everything is sorted out