You need to go to a few good shops, look at and shoot as many different bows as you can. Once you get a feel for what you like, then decide on the used vs. new route. Going with a used one can save you a lot cash. Only buy a fully rigged bow if you like all of the accessories. As for a sight, same thing. Try to get your hands on as many as can to see what you like. Good thing about most of them nowadays is they all have pins with wrapped or extended fibers so they’re easily visible in low light. One of the biggest choices you’ll make is a single pin vs. a multi pin. Personally I think a single pin is the only way to go. Your sight picture is clearer and you’re able to dial the sight directly to the yardage you want to shoot.

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it." Captain Woodrow F. Call

ShawBuilt Custom Bowstrings