Clem, so America lets them pull Reginald Dennys out of their vehicles and beat them almost to death? It could be your wife or your daughter... I support the cause but this looting and burning has got to be stopped.

My question: At what point does American Law Enforcement, an entity supported and originated by the citizens of the USA, take a stand. Where does America take a stand and say, "We support the protest but you're NOT going to loot, burn and jeopardize or kill innocent citizens."

LAW & ORDER has to prevail. If a military person's life is in danger, he or she takes action. If that means eliminating the threat, then that's what has to happen. You're not going to terrorize the nation and innocent people. We are a nation of law and order. That's what a huge majority of Americans support.

I am in agreement with African Americans AND 99.9% of white Americans... the officer was wrong and should be held accountable. I don't think the officer is racist, but IDK. NTL, the officer should be tried in a court of law. I'm still shaking my head as to where was the officer's training?!?!? Logic??

We as citizens should not tolerate the looting and burning down of innocent Americans' buildings, businesses and government property. And I am one that doesn't support "overreach" of the law. My blood boils at a government or LEO that oversteps his/her authority and infringes on an American's rights.

Last edited by Antlerfluke; 05/29/20 07:31 AM.