Originally Posted by Antlerfluke
I'm a redneck from South, Al and I support the Blue. I am a very nice, "Yes, sir!" and "No sir!", kinda guy to LEO's. I can tell you who LEO's worst group is... it's themselves!! I'm a white guy and I have had some LEO's be just plain ol' A$$holes to me. I have shown due respect and still, some of them have been..., just an ass! So blacks don't have a monopoly on having been treated poorly. This cop in MM needs to go to jail. Where's your training man? You can't do what he did. I hope this cop is found guilty of MS.

To the LEO's out there... just be nice to ppl. Being a cocky ass gets you nowhere!! And again, I support LEO's and I know it's not an easy job. But, you have to respect ppl.

You are partly correct. I know there are LEOs that gave the power trip thing going on and are just assholes. Just remember, we are also humans and just like any other human, we also have the asshole switch. Some of us takes a lot to turn that switch on and for some the switch is stuck in the on position, just like every other human. I hate you had dealing with someone who’s switch was stuck on. If I’m dealing with someone, that subject determines if my switch goes to the on position. I treat you like you treat me.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.