Originally Posted by gobblebox
The story is the guy was jogging,stopped to look in a house being built went back to jogging and these guys pulled up and confronted him armed,he did what he thought he needed to do in that situation to protect himself,would you just lay down if a stranger confronted you with a gun or defend yourself?

Do some research before you type. First of all, the house was not being built. It was a fully constructed house that people had been living in that was having a section of the home adjacent to the garage remodeled. The video shows Ahmed casually walking up the street (not jogging) and as he approaches the house, he looks around 360 degrees to make sure nobody is watching him then tuns and sprints across the yard, up the driveway and into the house. 3 min later, a neighbor across the road sees him exiting the home and yells as him as he comes out and Ahmed takes off running like he's got pack of wild dogs after him. Not jogging, sprinting to exit the area as quickly as possible and to avoid being caught. Not jogging, he's giving it everything hes got, like he's running a 40 at the NFL combine. All of this is before anyone is chasing or in any way trying to detain him. When they all load up into vehicles and finally catch up to him, yes he is jogging down the road. They get in front of him and tell him to stop, at which time he leaves the side of the road he is "jogging" on and sprints across the front of the vehicle to the opposite side of the road and begins fighting for control of the shotgun. As all this is unfolding, the man with the shotgun is holding it at arms with the barrel up and it is not pointed at Ahmed in any way. All these vids were posted in the thread on this. I'd hope that you would not be stupid enough to attack someone holding a loaded shotgun...that is why he was shot and died. It can be argued that they should not have tried to stop him etc but it was not cold blooded murder. They did not drive up and shoot the kid as he was jogging down the side of the road. If they were planning to do that, why didnt they just shoot him before the altercation? Guns were present but nothing was pointed at him until the struggle began. Should they have chased him down? NO. I honestly do not think he would have been shot had he just stayed on his side of the road or turned and run back in the other direction.

Also, news reported yesterday that Floyd had a pulse and was breathing when EMS loaded him up in the ambulance so he was still alive after the officer got off of him and at the time he was loaded into the ambulance, if (and this is a big if in today's news cycle) the news was reporting that correctly. It is all senseless and I also did not see any type of serious resistance on Floyd's part as it was reported either. My question is how and why did the officer end up kneeling on his neck to start with???

Last edited by abolt300; 05/28/20 01:08 PM.