I’ve read this whole thread. Lots of common sense here and some not so much. I’ve been in Law Enforcement for over 20yrs and have more hours of training then most people could imagine. I can say for a fact that we have NEVER and I repeat NEVER have been taught to use a knee to the neck in defensive tactics. Knee on the head to subdue a subject, yes. But never on the neck. It makes me sick to my stomach to watch those videos and to know that the other officers just stood there and watched. Whether the knee to the neck killed the guy will be determined later, but for now the officers involved did absolutely nothing to help this human when he was begging for help. You could hear the distress in his voice. I mean a grown man begging for him mom. That human new he was dying and no one helped. So much wrong in this incident.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.