Instead of a recording on a cellphone the guy videoing asks for the officer to do his job and let the pressure off the neck if that happens the arrestee lives. If officer decides to play God and "teach a lesson" that's not okay and if you threaten anyone's life cop or not the law says it's perfectly acceptable for someone to use a baseball bat to your noggin,to use your throacic cavity as a target( 2nd button down two inches to the left.) I think the courts call it a higher standard of care since police SHOULD know better. Talking is fine but sometimes you have to MAKE someone sorry they called your name and asked for you. The other officers who stood by doing nothing are more disgusting because they didn't stop this murder. Plus let 10-15 Tactical Timmy James Yeager wannabees get beaten down or turned into bullet magnets and that'll cause ol'bada$$ Tactical methyl Ethel hearttaker Timmy to think "If I do stupid am I going to be shot 261 times like so&so was last week?" That will cure the bad apples law enforcement sadly attracts.

Last edited by dave260rem!; 05/27/20 10:35 AM. Reason: PS.

Skinny is my EX.Alcohol was involved.