Originally Posted by abolt300
Hold your judgement until all the facts are in including the autopsy and toxicology tests. Guy sure was moving his head and neck around a pretty good bit and talking clearly for that officer to have had him completely locked down with the knee. Once he got him in cuffs, he absolutely should have removed his knee. That said, I am betting that the guy was doped up on something and the sudden exerction of fighting with the cops and adrenaline dump probably caused him to cardiac out. It has happened before many times. Happened in a situation with an employee of ours one time. Guy was walking to work and tossed a banana peel into a guy's front yard. Guy came running off the porch and attacked my employee with a pipe. My employee punched the guy in the side of head and dropped him and took off running. 45 min later cops show up and arrest him for murder, there at work. Toxicology tests and autopsy comes back and the guy had evidently smoked a 5 lb crack rock right before the incident. Sudden exerction adrenaline surge of jumping off the porch and charging our employee caused his heart to basically explode. Employee was cleared and instead of being charged with murder was charged with littering if you can believe that. Let's just wait and get all the facts before we say the cop killed him by suffocating him with his knee.

totally different situation. Yes its possible the guy in the video may have had a heart attack anyways. But leaving him in that position increased the likely hood, continuing to apply pressure to the neck that long after dude went limp is gonna be what hangs the cop though.

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