From Dr.John Sullivan, Head of ER Baptist Medical Center South. Main hospital in Montgomery: "Our approach and what seems to be causing some of the confusion:

We have divided our Emergency Department into zones that are “possible COVID-19” and not COVID.

The hospital has been divided into areas that are “possible/confirmed COVID” and not COVID.

This has been done in an effort to create a safe environment for the non-COVID patients and it allows us to concentrate PPE into certain areas.

Because of this split, it can create confusion on bed availability.

The idea that we have no ICUs available is an exaggeration of the truth. We have 6 ICUs at Baptist South. 2 are currently reserved for COVID patients. Those 2 units are very busy currently. As I sit in the ED right now, the units are “full”, but we only have 2 patients in the ER that need a COVID ICU bed and will "likely" get a bed tonight as patients improve in the ICU (according to bed control). “Available Beds” is a fluid number. Some people get better and can be transitioned to a floor room, some patients on floors get discharged.

“So why is it an exaggeration of the truth? You said that the units were full.” Yes, but we also have 4 other ICUs that have beds available. We would like to keep these units free of COVID, so that if you have a Heart Attack or a Stroke or a bad car accident, we can keep you in a COVID free environment. The ER is essentially an ICU, so we can safely keep a few ICU patients until beds in COVID designated ICU beds become available. If we get to a point where we need to convert one of the non-COVID ICUs to a COVID ICU then we can do that. We would move patients in that ICU to a different non-COVID ICU and then start placing patients into the newly created COVID unit. We have meticulously planned this escalation and will implement when necessary. So, yes, while we currently do not have an ICU bed in a COVID unit, it is not that our system is so overwhelmed that people need to be concerned that we are currently in the New York state of emergency."