Originally Posted by Orion34
Originally Posted by Steve Ditchkoff
Sorry...I don't have any questions to give you at this time. The main point of the post was to gauge the willingness of aldeer folks to fill out a survey...nothing more. If we do choose to conduct some survey work, and if the social science experts we work with choose to post the survey to aldeer (they're the experts and so will have to decide where the most suitable locations to get survey respondents to ensure accuracy of data, non-bias, etc.), then there will include a full description of what, why, how, etc.

Thanks to everyone for responding to my question. Hopefully at some point down the road there will be a link posted on aldeer where you can go and fill out a survry.

“Accuracy. non-bias.” On an internet forum? Sure, what could go wrong with that?

That is why they are having Social Science folks build the survey. They know how to frame and ask questions and they can sort out the garbage. When you launch a survey at 250k people you need an expert to do it right.

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"You can be broke but you cant be poor." Ruthie-May Webster