What a sweet young mistreated black kid this was he has never done anything wrong, he is not a thief or thug and shouldnt be treated as one, thats how the media is gonna portray it, and the white klans men just chased him down and shot him, all whites are horrible racists, blah blah blah, yes he got shot what if those guys and that whole neighborhood was sick of stuff missing and the cops writeing up reports and not getting anything done about it so they found him tried to get him to stand his law abiding self still till cops got there to question him and he thought he was gonna go thug nasty on the old fat white guys and they had to shoot him to get him from taking the gun away, i have had guns pulled on me by different men on 2 different occasions and i stood still just like they told me to and after i explained myself it all worked out fine and they found out i wasnt tresspassing on private land but no way was i gonna try to fight them since they had guns and i did not just a fishing pole, the more i see and read about this iam starting to side with the white guys