Originally Posted by jb20
Originally Posted by bhammedic84
Originally Posted by jake5050
All he was doing was continuously looking for changes on the plans for his imaginary house lmao I wouldn't doubt there is other video evidence that will come out. I think it's safe to say the jogging narrative portrayed by the race baiting media some of yall go sucked into is total BS. This is trayvon martin and michael brown all over again. The only hope they have of conviction is involuntary manslaughter. I think they will walk on any other charge the prosecutor sets forth

aint happening bud. this was straight murder. nothing involuntary about it. when they saw him they knew damn good and well they were going to kill him. hell if anything its premeditated. they had a plan in place and that comes into play when the ol'boy was ridding in the bed of the truck

Why would someone thats been in law enforcement video a straight up murder? I think they recorded it to have evidence, just so happens the evidence will prob show they were in the wrong...i say they get a manslaughter charge
why are some police that are (were) in law enforcement arrested and convicted of murder or such? not every LE is an angel. do i support LE why you better damn well believe i do, but there are ones out there that are horrible and give LE a bad rap

Turkey’s tell you when they want to die not lawmakers.