Originally Posted by outdoorobsession
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
Originally Posted by outdoorobsession
Getting a check? Nope, and no stimulus check either..which Id bet you snapped up instantly. And no small business check.

And if youre out of work..you must be getting unemployment.The NORMAL plus the $600 a week the DEMS like Nancy Pelosi lobbied for and added?

By the way, That is where half the inflation and deficit is coming from. A bunch of hypocrites on here for sure who cashed those checks and now are lecturing on the deficit and inflation..How rich. slap loco

Sorry your out of work, honestly, but most everything is OPEN in Alabama now. 95% or more of businesses.

But NO we get no checks.

However we do try to manage our finances to not get overwhelmed if something unexpected arises.

Heck we gave our tenants a rent holiday for a month so please, Im not going to be lectured.

It's interesting the positions that people take. You praise the shutdown and tell those who are out of work to suck it up?

Nope .I dont praise the shutdown at all. Shut down the big cities like NYC, DC , Boston..yes..I can see that. They should have shut down the dam subways there IMO.

Alabama ? with its sparse population and no real public transit system nor huge cities..a different approach.

Dont spin my words. Im just stating the actual numbers and that false ones were put up here.

By the way it is why folks wont post here but 6 or 7 of you. As anyone who disagrees cant say anything. Youve all run the doctors off, the nurses off..like you did the lawyers and biologists on here.

It is really insane.

Ill get my medical advise from DRs and medical professionals..not credit card processors, or Geno..

wait didnt yall run him off here too over his wife with some guy with cocaine and child porn pics..Now hes the aldeer epidimologst. Or was that a different Geno? No..Im pretty sure..same one.

Wow..I guess he went to med school in those 2 years. slap

Jeez some of yall need to give it a rest. Like I said your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Same 5 to 7 guys..non stop.... Guys,,its pretty much opening up here...it is OK. Time to get to work.

good luck and yall stay safe. thumbup

DO NOT belittle people that are out of work. PERIOD. Analyzing the numbers is one thing. Posting, word for word as you did is NOT acceptable. UNDERSTAND?

I firmly believe that a double gallows should be constructed on the East Lawn of The White House. Politicians who willfully and shamelessly violate their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America should be swiftly tried and, upon conviction, publicly hanged at sunup the day after conviction. If multiple convicts are to be hanged they can choose with whom to share the gallows or names shall be drawn from the hangman's hat to be hanged 2 at a time.

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