Originally Posted by Beer Belly

1000% - Every 1% increase in unemployment results in ~30-40k addition deaths. So now factor that into the equation. Being myopic and only looking at one issue thru tunnel vision is a good way to destroy a country.

The folks that come up with that suicide figure probably didn't account for folks getting them fat unemployment checks. And you can't compare Sweden's economy to ours. Let me ask this, do you think the whole world shutting down might have had some impact on our economy? We rely heavily on other countries for buying and selling products. I imagine it was gonna have an adverse effect on our economy either way. Not to mention new yorks economy was getting tanked and that'll have a huge ripple effect through this country. I don't see how y'all can even compare sweden to the United States, the whole country of Sweden could be wiped off the map and we wouldn't even notice, the same can't be said for the US.

Last edited by goodman_hunter; 05/02/20 10:42 PM.

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