Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by charlie
Originally Posted by Clem

Never will happen Y'all are on crack if you think after 40 years Biden is going to pick Obama's wife and then resign so she could become president, which is what would happen via the succession route.

The VP doesn't just get to pick who becomes president. There's a set chain of succession: President, VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tem-Senate and then into SecState and the Cabinet on down.


The president does get to pick his vp. Look into that a little more.
edited to add I dont even understand your point of the vp picking the pres.

Clem is right on this. A presidential nominee gets to pick their running mate as VP, but once in office, if the office of VP comes open, then the line of succession takes place. Gerald Ford says "look at me please".

A very good discussion with some well thought out reasoning, but if I had to lay money down, it would be on Clem's pick.

You are wrong. When Ford became President after Nixon resigned he Picked Rockefeller as his vp it was not the speaker of the house. It is the line of presidential succession not vice presidential succession. 25th ammendment.