Not going to say which team, but a team meeting was held yesterday via Zoom for a D1 school. My son plays D1 football, so you can infer what you want to as to the source. Team was told that they, as well as other schools are hoping to have athletes back on campus by mid-July. The school involved, as well as others, anticipate having students back on campus for the normal fall semester. Naturally whether that actually happens or not will depend on a lot of unknowns and other factors, but this had to have been discussed by all teams and schools in the conference involved. Im also relatively sure that state health officials in multiple states as well as other conferences were also involved prior to the Zoom conference with said team. Players had been told to expect this Zoom conference for almost 10 days before it actually occurred. I can only assume the delay was related to active discussoins taking place daily with health experts, other coaches, ADs and school administrators within the conference and beyond and they did not want to let the players know anything until they had what they felt was at least semi-reliable information. We shall see what actually happens but with states starting to open back up, the information I got seems somewhat reasonable.

Last edited by abolt300; 05/01/20 04:02 PM.