Originally Posted by abolt300
Clem, I think Harris is out. Yes she is Black but from what I can gather, she is tainted and not well liked by her people and also has a ton of baggage. Only polling at 1% is the presidential primary sealed her fate IMO. She doesnt bring anything to the ticket at all. The Dems already have California completely locked up. It's not even remotely in question. Biden has to look for someone with broader appeal that can help him in the center part of the country and swing states. I still think they may end up giving Moochelle Obama the nod, if "he" is willing to take it (he's real busy right now raking in all the payoffs and cash payments and collecting on all the favors from their previous 2 terms). If he did take it, he would then name his muslim hubby his VP and be off and running again.

obama cant run as vice president after being twice elected president.