Y’all quick discouraging him before he when starts. Let him decide himself if it’s something he wants to do or not through experience. Who’s going to feed my fat butt in the future if we keep discouraging our kids to stay away from farming, I don’t tell my son “don’t be a ditch digger”. I hand him a shovel and let him make up his own mind. It’s pretty self explanatory but he’s got to learn if he likes it or not.
257 thanks for at least offering some contacts. Big fella might turn out to be a great farm manager, mechanic, gps guidance systems tech, drone recon, field data analyst or something tied to the Ag industry. Don’t push him away with negativity.
Too bad your not closer to the Blackbelt. Good, honest, reliable workers are in great demand.

"I didnt mean to kill nobody, I just meant to shoot him once in the head and two times in the chest. Him dying was between he and the Lord."
Legendary bluesman R.L. Burnside