I was able to peel myself away from work to get in a few days of fishing. On day one my wife tagged along but just my son and I for the next two days. We really wanted to do some experimenting with grouper fishing and wow did we learn something. So many times in the past we get broken off within 3-5 seconds of hooking a big fish so I decided to upsize my gear. 80 lb braid, 100 lb 25’ wind on leader with a 150 lb terminal leader. Over two days we boated a 20 lb red grouper and three gags weighing in at 30, 35 & 40. Gags are closed so we were able to release them after only having to vent one. Caught some really nice trigger and snapper as well. Triggers are open so that was a plus and we also got our share of jacks on the jig. Sunday was terrible and my better judgement told me not to go but the lure was too strong. Should’ve stayed on the beach to cobia fish but did manage a really nice black snapper. Many more are there but have to wait on the right conditions to chum them to the top for light tackle. Here’s a few pics from our trips. Can’t wait to go back but it will be a while.

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