Originally Posted by BC
Originally Posted by n2deer
Blow it up, I doubt it’s used as much as your think. There would be piles of shucks under it if it was used daily. Seriously piles.

You remember that ancient roost tree in Nebraska we found? The one that had the huge limbs hanging off each side with knee high piles of poop underneath those limbs. Looked like giant ant beds made of turkey poop.

I'm afraid those days are gone for the foreseeable future! I've seen it. We've watched turkeys come from miles it seemed to roost in one hollow that had big cottonwoods. It was an amazing sight to see 100+ turkeys fly up in an acre groove of trees.

I don't know what hit the population up there so bad but even the huge winter flocks that used to number in the hundreds have been reduced to dozens of less.

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. Emerson