I dont think anybody has said it wasnt real. Its as real as 1000 other health risks and dangere we humans deal with every day of our lives as we go about our daily business. Some have said it was manufactured, which is very possible. Some have said the govt has overreacted, considering they were reacting to a number over 4x higher than what is actually going on, they did overreact. Some have said the numbers and other information given to us are mostly lies, by your own admission alot of it is lies. But not real, I dont remember anyone saying that. If you choose to be afraid of this virus and change your whole life based off of that fear, go ahead. Some of the people, you are implying believe this virus isnt real, have chosen to go on about their lives, in spite of this, yet another danger. Its a matter of opinion and yours is no more valid than the next guys. We all have beliefs and opinions and live our lives to the best of our abilities according to those beliefs. Alot of us are going about our lives as normal, as much as theyll let us. Some of you are hiding and taking all the precautions the govt has suggested. So far what are the results? Im healthy and wuhan free, youre healthy and wuhan free. So whos right here?

Originally Posted by outdoorobsession
Hopefully things can get better as far as folks working and businesses opening but I dont know how they can and not expect a lot of deaths. Its going to be a tough balance.

By the way those saying this was no worse then the flu, TODAY we actually passed the 2018/2019 Flu deaths for a YEAR which was 34,400 influenza related deaths.

There are that many Corona Virus deaths now, 34,400 in just 1 1/2 months. And we havent reached the peak yet.

Very real virus, people are really dying and I think its going to be a lot worse before it gets better.

You guys all stay safe and hopefully this will pass and we can all get back to work.