Originally Posted by William
Originally Posted by Phil_Army

Seems to me that they hand selected some of the big businesses who bring it big-time sales tax dollars every day and allowed them to stay open while the little guy was forced to shut down...

As a small retailer, I have been saying this since day one. The logic behind these "essential" and "non-essential" businesses is straight BS.

Here's what the State of Alabama said: "We value Bob the grocery store clerk so he can keep working. However, Joe the waiter needs to go home and here is $22/hr to sit there." Why was this done? Easy, to make it convenient for Karen to sit at home and collect her paycheck and still be able to feed the kids and drink her wine. Justify leaving the damn state ABC stores open. No one needs alcohol as an "essential" item. It's simply to placate Karen and keep her from bitching.

If it was TRULY about safety. EVERYONE would be sheltered in place. It's OK if Bob the grocery store clerk catches the virus and dies as long as Karen can get her stuff? WTF? If I was Bob, I'd be raising hell. We've thrown that dude out there to die for our convenience all the while he could make WAY more money sitting at home. It's insane.

In what fantasy world do you live where there aren’t alcoholics that would fill up the hospitals if alcohol suddenly disappeared tomorrow?? The last thing needed during a pandemic is to flood the hospitals with alcoholics in withdrawal.

I couldn’t care less if they banned alcohol tomorrow but you can’t reasonably argue that alcohol isn’t “essential” for some folks.

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