Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by mv67
Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by mv67
Wanted to ask for help. I have a backyard garden and wanted to ask what is the best way to control grass and weeds from growing in it. The area I plant was originally part of my yard with grass growing in it. This area has been planted to about 10 years and tilled every year. I have added topsoil over the years and I have limed and put out fertilizer each year. I spray glyphosate at least a month or so before planting and I spray again a few days before tilling the soil. I plant and it seems like everything is dead but as soon as the first rain hits it looks like I am better growing sod than a garden. In a few weeks it is solid grass and green growth. Is there any way to avoid this?

Is it bermuda grass?

Its got some Bermuda in it but its got a lot of other types of grass as well. I have a 3/4 acer right of way going thru the back yard so its just a lot of green growing.

You've probably got a huge seed bank of crabgrass seed in the soil. Every time you til it, you're bringing new seeds closer to the surface so they can germinate. You aren't killing bermuda grass with glyphosate, unless you're spraying it in the fall when they rhizomes are storing nutrients. When you till bermuda that's not dead, you're just spreading it. Hit it this fall with a strong dose of glyphosate. If it's dry like normal, water the area well for a couple of weeks to get the bermuda actively growing before spraying.

Solid advice here. Wasn’t thinking if Bermuda grass. Also if you have sedges, gly will not kill some of them.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.