Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
what gets me is yall accuse folks of being chicken littles when it comes to the virus and folks dieing, claiming its all just media hype. And in the same post yall chicken little about the economy. The same media is pushing the economic doom narrative. You can't predict what will happen, because we're in uncharted water. If folks don't open there business back up, someone else will seize the chance to make that money thats been left on the table. So what if some don't reopen their business, businesses close all the time.

you are right about herd immunity, but there is a fine line, it cant spread to fast or too slow.

That and calling people cowards for abiding by the orders put in place for social distancing. I would love to travel up to Eufaula and put the beatdown on some fish but I would have to tell the folks on base that I travelled and self quarantine for 14 days and then get tested negative before being allowed back into my office. I assure you I am not "hiding in fear" as I have heard some on here claim. I hate these rules as much as anyone but I have to follow them because it is the right thing to do for me and my family. Those of you calling other forum members names over this should look for someone else to blame.