Originally Posted by wew3006
Originally Posted by Phil_Army
Originally Posted by doekiller
What seems to be missing here is some people don’t understand that the deaths are lower because of the social distancing. Does anyone really think that the deaths wouldn’t be higher if the stay at home hadn’t been ordered?

I'm calling BS on this. I've been going to work like normal and as I drive by the grocery stores, walmarts, drive thrus, I'm seeing just as many if not more people out at those places than normal. It's funneled huge crowds of people into a few locations and there's no way that can be considered "safe" if this thing was really as bad as they want us to believe.

All stores I have been to are limiting number of people that can access; Publix has a a counter at the only open entrance. People are wearing mask, gloves and keeping distance. Only 5 in ABC stores at one time; etc.

Folks I've encountered wearing gloves are doing way more harm than good

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