You have hunted deer, so imagine you are after a big buck in the peak of the rut. Except this is an unusual buck. Every morning he starts bellowing at daylight and gives away his location. Then he spends the whole day chasing does, and will bellow to call them in to him. And he has a bad cold and can't smell. He sleeps all night and is only active in the daytime.

Think you could kill him? Of course you would. You would get reasonably close and try not to scare him, and eventually he would walk by you. Approach turkey hunting that way and you will get one. Most beginners ruin any hope they have with loud and frequent calling that eliminates any chance of killing a turkey. Call softly and seldom and forget what you have seen on TV. Good luck!

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 04/01/20 12:13 PM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.