Originally Posted by CeeHawk37
Just skimmed through the actual bill being voted on today. They need to scrap it. The GOP caved and the majority of this funding goes straight to government agencies/Democrat pet projects/money laundering slush funds. There’s no reason this bill should be more than 20 pages long. It’s 850 ish on my iPhone. Congress gets 25M for “salaries and expenses”. Refugee resettlement and immigration assistance 300M. International Development fund 250M. HBCU’s get block grants. For IT Systems there is 2.15B allocated. States and certain state organizations are going to receive a ton of money (not totally disagreeing on these allocations but damn, how much money is really being spent by states on this virus), planned parenthood gets a ton of money. If you call yourself conservative you ought to go read through the copious amount of unrelated bullchit that has been thrown into this. If every single American got 1200.00 bucks (which is a ball park average, some will get nothing while others get to claim their 5 dependents) then that adds up to roughly 396 billion. There are provisions to allow small businesses to get a 10k advance and apply for gov backed loans through the SBA. So let’s say that’s going to amount to 500billion. We are still shy of 1Trillion. Overall this bill has close to 2trillion allocated in funds. The taxpayers are being bent over and Neegan’s bat is about to be rammed up our rears. The government elites are about to cash in on the backs of the American tax payer like never before. So yeah, I’m with Massey on this. This thing needs to go to a full vote where all those in favor can be counted. This pisses me off that in a time of supposed crisis, the people we elected see it as an opportunity to further grease their palms. The swamp is alive and well and the GOP is in on this just as much as the Dems.. I’ll get off my soap box now.

I am right there with you; A bill that is tailored to be a relief from the impacts of the virus, should be that and that ALONE.
They squeeze all this other b.s. In there so they can steal more of our money.
If they truly want to help the American people, freeze income tax until this thing dies down.
"Drain the swamp", hahaha, what a joke our government is.

Last edited by Geeb; 03/27/20 10:51 AM.