Originally Posted by RoadRN
Using the chances of dying in a car wreck comparison:

- What are the chances of dying if your vehicle doesn't have air bags? Seatbelts? Traction control? I'd say your chances increase exponentially.

I realize the toll the preventative measures are taking on our economy. I understand the sacrifice that is being asked of people. However, I think the criticism of these measures is unwarranted at this early stage. We still don't really understand this virus well enough to control it's proliferation. We aren't absolutely certain that we know exactly how to treat it. But I think some of the countries greatest medical minds are advising us to do what may very well be best for our health long term.

I just wonder if the same crowd (on here and in society at large) would be screaming from the rooftops about how the medical community and the government failed them had preventative measures not been taken. If (when) someone close to you becomes infected and suffers a negative outcome, will you still feel the same about these preventative measures?

I’ll answer for myself and say no. No I would not blame anyone else if one of my elders caught this and passed away. Contrary to popular belief of many in my age group, I don’t think government or medical community should decide for me what I can and can’t do, at least not in this country.