Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by LetOff
I took the guy who does my wife's nails hunting this year and he killed a big doe. He called me Saturday morning and said "I think it's illegal for you to sale deer meat to me but I dont care, can you sale me some ?"
I only put 4 deer in freezer this year so I told him no.
I get to church yesterday (our last live service for a while) and I'm approached by 3 ladies who had obviously gotten together, they call me over and ask me the same thing, can I sale them some deer meat.

Seems like all this self isolation I did between Nov thru Jan has paid off, little did I know I was preparing for this.

Sell. The word you're looking for is SELL.
And yes, it's illegal.

Outback is correct on both counts. He can however take the deer meat from you for the cost of the processing as long as you are not making a profit then it is kosher.

Theys no profit in deer meat, stands, time paid for hunting, guns, and bunch more....sell it for what u got in it and smile 😃

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin