Originally Posted by 280REM
Originally Posted by Goatkiller
Wait a second.....

we are now trying to say that does produce more does than bucks naturally? So if you have more does they will breed and produce more does?

It is getting DEEP round here. DEEP.

Having and seeing are too different things. IF you property survey your deer herd and.....

Again... if you have "too many does" 4:1 vs bucks or more..... someone killed the bucks. Y'all are talking about "I need to shoot these 30 does". That's more than a little out of whack.

Someone shot the bucks. That is the ONLY logical reason your ratio would be that messed up.

100% FACT.

What do y'all think happens... do you think does are just hatching up out of the mud?

Typically does produce roughly 1 to 1 ratio of bucks to does. Buck mortality is naturally higher. A "perfectly balance by nature" herd wouldn't be quite 1 to 1. It would be very very slightly doe heavy.

If you started the season with a 5 to 1 doe to buck ratio, and shot 90% of your bucks and 0% of your does, after natural mortality and fawn recruitment factored in the following season, you'd have probably a better doe to buck ratio (like 3 to 1) to start the season. It's near biological impossibility to have worse than a 5 to 1 doe to buck ratio to start your season. The best management will never get you to a true 1 to 1, but with good management you can have less than 2 to 1 ratio. Even with poor management you'll float around 3 or 4 to 1.

BS!!! Did you just make that up?? 5:1 ratio. Shoot 90% bucks and no does and the results is less does at a 3:1 ratio. Think about what you just said.