Originally Posted by hallb
Originally Posted by Goatkiller
If you have too many does you need to figure out who is killing all the bucks. Because someone is shooting them. And they are not shooting the does.

100% fact.

There is no such thing as too many does..... there is only a lack of bucks because someone is blasting everything they see.

Your plan is to follow suit and start blasting everything you see too?

Or maybe your plan is to take up golf because your can't do anything about your jackass spike blasting neighbor?

The does are not the problem they are the symptom.

0% Opinion.


100% fact? Bucks only disappear b/c they're getting shot? Interesting, where did you get this 100% fact data from?

its not fact, its his opinion. he just hasn't ever been somewhere with too many does. some places have plenty of bucks AND still too many does.