Sessions and Byrne went full negative about two weeks ago on Tuberville with lies, lies and more lies. Sessions acts like some honorable person, but he is swamp rat all the way. The day he was named AG - I was never more proud to have Jeff Sessions from Alabama. Then he recused himself over bull crap and left Trump with 1,000 cuts. A special counsel filled with democrat political hacks, 50 FBI agents and $45m to find dirt and destroy Trump. And Sessions stands there tonight bragging about how he was the first one to endorse Trump. At 72 years of age, please go away Sessions. I have no idea why people would vote for him after what he did. He lost his Seniority in the Senate also. Someone voted for him thinking he would get it back…🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Have people already forgotten that they lied about a phone call with the Ukraine, impeached the President and they were 15 votes away from removing the greatest POTUS of our lifetime! This is war and we need folks with testicular fortitude backing our President!