As I’ve said before, when we got our place in Monroe co. we would kill 12-15 does a year for the first few years. We noticed a decline in deer sightings and also deer sign in the woods. The plots would not get clipped much at all. We decided to cut back on doe killing. Only 2-3 killed for the last 5 yrs by the kids. The doe numbers bounced back strong on our place because of it and also our neighbors don’t hunt anymore so that helped them also. It’s a double edged sword because now we have lots of older does that seem to just walk around blowing and also I think they run bucks out of areas where we are feeding until the rut. According to cameras the bucks will show up at feeders till the does show up and never get another picture of the bucks. We are going to try to kill a few more of the older does next season. It’s hard to get my guys to shoot does so it’s gonna be up to the kids. Also now that I’m no longer farming I will have time to start bow hunting again. Hopefully we can get a few killed early.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.