Originally Posted by TexasNative
I placed my sell order today. Everything except one stock is going into Treasuries until things settle down. I'm three years away from retirement, I can live on what I now have from when I retire at 66 1/2 to 85 based on an X amount monthly withdrawal. My financial advisor said if anyone is within 5 years of retirement to get out and lock in the gains. The downside exposure is too big a risk. Outside of 5 years, he said you should be ok and enjoy buying at a lower price. For the rest of 2020 he doesn't see a big gain in the market, but can see where it could drop another 10 to 15%.

I think that's wise for short term given the huge gains from last couple years

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin