Originally Posted by Robert D.
Originally Posted by imadeerhntr
I read the other day that Smithfield I think is moving their pork processing operations to China. Meat would still be raised here but shipped to China processed then shipped back to the US. Now tell me who is going to buy it after this.

Can’t wrap my head around the logistics of this. Live pig in USA. Kill pig here and ship carcass to PRC for processing only to ship the products back here? How cheaply can they provide the labor to process the hogs that the cost savings will pay for shipping both way?


Live pig in USA. Ship pig LIVE to PRC to be killed and processed there? How do you keep them alive inside container ships? Wouldn’t disease run rampant in those conditions? How would they be fed? What happens to the waste? STILL can’t figure how processing can be cheap enough to cover all this shipping?

Can someone enlighten me here?

I can't. I worked in the commercial poultry industry for 19 years in live production and I can't see a way that it could work.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14