Originally Posted by olemossy

Good to see you back on here CNC!

Thanks!....Hunting season is over now and its been boring as hell with all the rain.

So let me say upfront that getting into the finer details of genetics is not something that I’ve researched and studied on very much........so take this next comment with a grain of salt and hopefully if I’m a little off with what I’m saying someone with a better understanding with clean it up……

There’s a difference in a deer “carrying” a gene versus a deer “expressing” a gene. Think about if we were looking at a dogs paperwork and its pedigree. Is the only thing effecting the traits of that dog simply the ones seen from the mom and dad? No its not……There’s a lineage behind those two that branches out over and over with different dogs with different possibilities for characteristics. It may be that the current dog we’re looking at is far more similar in appearance to his grandfather than his father……How many people have you seen that were the spitting image of an ancestor and looked for more like them than their immediate parents? This is because of the genes that are being expressed. They’re still carrying the genes for the other ones that may be passed on and express themselves in the next generation. With dogs there has been a intense controlled breeding that has taken place in order to produce a lineage of dogs all with standards and desired characteristics such as great hunting drive for example…..But with something like wild deer herds, the lineage is gonna be a completely random mix of this and that. So those genes from that cull deer are still in the lineage being passed on through other deer…..It will still express itself in future generations no matter if you shoot everyone you see.

Now I may be a little off on that……I really hope someone with help out here because I’m wanting to hear how this works if I’m off on what I’ve said.

We dont rent pigs