Originally Posted by James

Y'all keeping up with this? I get emails since I'm a Bama Carry Member...

“Put those on there that are prohibited a lot less people are prohibited than those that are not,” Fulmer said. “Why are they identifying law-abiding citizens because we are the only ones that will comply with the law.”
....WHUT DID HE SAY?!?! Maybe they misquoted Mr. Fulmer, but that makes NO sense. Don't worry, I get the gist, it just is gobbledygook

Neither does the NRA sometimes...I still support them and I am a (proud...sorta) Life Member, but they pizz me off sometimes, just like some of you goobers...and I still talk good about y'all....mostly. I did check out the Bama Carry outfit and got a two-fer and joined BC and GOA (GOA again). Seems like a good outfit and I am all about NO COMPROMISE, which is what Wayne LaPierre oughta be concentrating on...Happy Friday

"For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America" ~Benjamin Franklin

Isaiah 40:13-14


NRA Life Member, GOA, BamaCarry Member